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Thursday, November 17, 2005

New feature! Who's dead! Who's almost dead! Who has a mysterious illness that mysteriously forces them to mysteriously not play! Updated regularly! If you have any tenuous speculation/corrections/updates email or leave a comment! Too many exclamation points(!)!

This week's changes: Removed Riley, Biggs, Englemon, Barringer. Added Long. Injury information is very thin out there and no one's status has been confirmed, but I believe that everyone on the list is available except Arrington, Mundy, and McClintock. That does not mean they're 100%. I would not be surprised to see Manningham hampered by the knee issue he picked up on the punt return. Given what is known about the rest of the injuries I think everyone else should be ready to go, but don't rush out to your bookie based on this post.

RBHartRolled ankleIowa
probableCarr last week: "Mike Hart will play, definitely." He didn't. Precaution or ominous note? No one knows.
WRArringtonAnkle sprainNIU
outCarr: "If I had to guess, I would say he will not play this year."
WRManninghamundisclosedIUDTDprobableDoesn't seem too bad but apparently he's got something wrong; guess is a strain or a pull of some sort.
OLLongAnkle aggravation
probableLeft after a couple series against the Hoosiers, probably just as a precaution.
OLKrausMinor kneeNW
DTDprobableDid not play against IU.
DEWoodleyDeep arm bruise
probableDid see some time against IU.
LBMcClintockChronic back issuespreseason
DTDdoubtfulNot dressing.
LBGrahamTwo broken thumbs
~3-4 weeks
Returned against NW; played more than Thompson.
Probably will return by spring.

Exited the list: Riley, Barringer, Englemon, Biggs.
Almost Off: Hart, Kraus, Graham, Woodley, Long, Manningham.
New: Long.