- BREASTON'S TRAITOROUS HANDS: are yo-yoing like Oprah's weight. This week, he made all the catches he had the opportunity to, including a tough one along the sideline. Yes, messed up that onside kick but the chances of that recurring are slim.
- FIRST DOWN PLAYCALLING: DeBord chose between "ten yard run" and "40 yard touchdown"... uh, I'm okay with that.
- JAMES KAMOKU: Horrible oversight from last week. You intentionally try to injure a player, you get on the board.
- CRAPPY NEW PSA: Michigan's glorious year of "Space, Bitches" is over, replaced with a well done but totally generic collage of smiling Asians in chem lab, smiling professors ruminating over a book, and so forth and so on. If they absolutely had to change it they should have gone with the medical school one.

BRET BIELEMA: Way to make an impression in your first season as a head coach. A player tries to rip someone's leg off, you play Indiana the next week, and he's not suspended. Also, your hair looks ridiculous.
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